
package xpath

Type Members

  1. class XPath extends AnyRef

    Represent a subset of XPath XML path syntax for use in identifying nodes in parse trees.

    Represent a subset of XPath XML path syntax for use in identifying nodes in parse trees.

    Split path into words and separators / and // via ANTLR itself then walk path elements from left to right. At each separator-word pair, find set of nodes. Next stage uses those as work list.

    The basic interface is XPath#findAll(tree, pathString, parser). But that is just shorthand for:

    `[[XPath]]` p = new `[[XPath#XPath XPath]]`(parser, pathString);
    return p.`[[#evaluate evaluate]]`(tree);

    See org.antlr.v4.test.TestXPath for descriptions. In short, this allows operators:

    <dl> <dt>/</dt>

    invert; this must appear directly after root or anywhere operator

    and path elements:

    <dl> <dt>ID</dt>

    token name
    any string literal token from the grammar
    rule name
    wildcard matching any node

    Whitespace is not allowed.

  2. abstract class XPathElement extends AnyRef
  3. class XPathLexerErrorListener extends BaseErrorListener
  4. class XPathRuleAnywhereElement extends XPathElement

    Either rulename at start of path or ...//rulename in middle of path.

  5. class XPathRuleElement extends XPathElement
  6. class XPathTokenAnywhereElement extends XPathElement

    Either ID at start of path or ...//ID in middle of path.

  7. class XPathTokenElement extends XPathElement
  8. class XPathWildcardAnywhereElement extends XPathElement
  9. class XPathWildcardElement extends XPathElement
