



trait VerilogParserListener extends ParseTreeListener

This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by VerilogParser.

Linear Supertypes
ParseTreeListener, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. VerilogParserListener
  2. ParseTreeListener
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def enterAlways_construct(ctx: Always_constructContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#always_construct.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#always_construct.


    the parse tree

  2. abstract def enterArrayed_identifier(ctx: Arrayed_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#arrayed_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#arrayed_identifier.


    the parse tree

  3. abstract def enterAttr_name(ctx: Attr_nameContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#attr_name.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#attr_name.


    the parse tree

  4. abstract def enterAttr_spec(ctx: Attr_specContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#attr_spec.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#attr_spec.


    the parse tree

  5. abstract def enterAttribute_instance(ctx: Attribute_instanceContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#attribute_instance.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#attribute_instance.


    the parse tree

  6. abstract def enterBase_expression(ctx: Base_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#base_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#base_expression.


    the parse tree

  7. abstract def enterBinary_module_path_operator(ctx: Binary_module_path_operatorContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#binary_module_path_operator.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#binary_module_path_operator.


    the parse tree

  8. abstract def enterBinary_operator(ctx: Binary_operatorContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#binary_operator.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#binary_operator.


    the parse tree

  9. abstract def enterBinary_operator_or(ctx: Binary_operator_orContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#binary_operator_or.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#binary_operator_or.


    the parse tree

  10. abstract def enterBlock_identifier(ctx: Block_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_identifier.


    the parse tree

  11. abstract def enterBlock_item_declaration(ctx: Block_item_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_item_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_item_declaration.


    the parse tree

  12. abstract def enterBlock_reg_declaration(ctx: Block_reg_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_reg_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_reg_declaration.


    the parse tree

  13. abstract def enterBlock_variable_type(ctx: Block_variable_typeContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_variable_type.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_variable_type.


    the parse tree

  14. abstract def enterBlocking_assignment(ctx: Blocking_assignmentContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#blocking_assignment.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#blocking_assignment.


    the parse tree

  15. abstract def enterCase_body(ctx: Case_bodyContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_body.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_body.


    the parse tree

  16. abstract def enterCase_default_item(ctx: Case_default_itemContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_default_item.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_default_item.


    the parse tree

  17. abstract def enterCase_item(ctx: Case_itemContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_item.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_item.


    the parse tree

  18. abstract def enterCase_statement(ctx: Case_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_statement.


    the parse tree

  19. abstract def enterCell_clause(ctx: Cell_clauseContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cell_clause.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cell_clause.


    the parse tree

  20. abstract def enterCell_identifier(ctx: Cell_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cell_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cell_identifier.


    the parse tree

  21. abstract def enterCharge_strength(ctx: Charge_strengthContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#charge_strength.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#charge_strength.


    the parse tree

  22. abstract def enterChecktime_condition(ctx: Checktime_conditionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#checktime_condition.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#checktime_condition.


    the parse tree

  23. abstract def enterCmos_switch_instance(ctx: Cmos_switch_instanceContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cmos_switch_instance.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cmos_switch_instance.


    the parse tree

  24. abstract def enterCmos_switchtype(ctx: Cmos_switchtypeContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cmos_switchtype.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cmos_switchtype.


    the parse tree

  25. abstract def enterConcatenation(ctx: ConcatenationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#concatenation.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#concatenation.


    the parse tree

  26. abstract def enterConditional_statement(ctx: Conditional_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement.


    the parse tree

  27. abstract def enterConditional_statement_body(ctx: Conditional_statement_bodyContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_body.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_body.


    the parse tree

  28. abstract def enterConditional_statement_chain(ctx: Conditional_statement_chainContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_chain.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_chain.


    the parse tree

  29. abstract def enterConditional_statement_else_chain(ctx: Conditional_statement_else_chainContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_else_chain.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_else_chain.


    the parse tree

  30. abstract def enterConditional_statement_else_tail(ctx: Conditional_statement_else_tailContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_else_tail.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_else_tail.


    the parse tree

  31. abstract def enterConditional_statement_head(ctx: Conditional_statement_headContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_head.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_head.


    the parse tree

  32. abstract def enterConfig_declaration(ctx: Config_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#config_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#config_declaration.


    the parse tree

  33. abstract def enterConfig_identifier(ctx: Config_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#config_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#config_identifier.


    the parse tree

  34. abstract def enterConfig_rule_statement(ctx: Config_rule_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#config_rule_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#config_rule_statement.


    the parse tree

  35. abstract def enterConstant_base_expression(ctx: Constant_base_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_base_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_base_expression.


    the parse tree

  36. abstract def enterConstant_concatenation(ctx: Constant_concatenationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_concatenation.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_concatenation.


    the parse tree

  37. abstract def enterConstant_expression(ctx: Constant_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_expression.


    the parse tree

  38. abstract def enterConstant_function_call(ctx: Constant_function_callContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_function_call.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_function_call.


    the parse tree

  39. abstract def enterConstant_mintypmax_expression(ctx: Constant_mintypmax_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_mintypmax_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_mintypmax_expression.


    the parse tree

  40. abstract def enterConstant_multiple_concatenation(ctx: Constant_multiple_concatenationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_multiple_concatenation.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_multiple_concatenation.


    the parse tree

  41. abstract def enterConstant_primary(ctx: Constant_primaryContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_primary.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_primary.


    the parse tree

  42. abstract def enterConstant_range_expression(ctx: Constant_range_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_range_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_range_expression.


    the parse tree

  43. abstract def enterContinuous_assign(ctx: Continuous_assignContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#continuous_assign.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#continuous_assign.


    the parse tree

  44. abstract def enterCreate_defined_flag(ctx: Create_defined_flagContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#create_defined_flag.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#create_defined_flag.


    the parse tree

  45. abstract def enterCreate_defined_term(ctx: Create_defined_termContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#create_defined_term.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#create_defined_term.


    the parse tree

  46. abstract def enterData_source_expression(ctx: Data_source_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#data_source_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#data_source_expression.


    the parse tree

  47. abstract def enterDefault_clause(ctx: Default_clauseContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#default_clause.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#default_clause.


    the parse tree

  48. abstract def enterDefault_nettype_directive(ctx: Default_nettype_directiveContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#default_nettype_directive.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#default_nettype_directive.


    the parse tree

  49. abstract def enterDefine_directive(ctx: Define_directiveContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#define_directive.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#define_directive.


    the parse tree

  50. abstract def enterDefined_flag(ctx: Defined_flagContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#defined_flag.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#defined_flag.


    the parse tree

  51. abstract def enterDelay2(ctx: Delay2Context): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay2.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay2.


    the parse tree

  52. abstract def enterDelay3(ctx: Delay3Context): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay3.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay3.


    the parse tree

  53. abstract def enterDelay_control(ctx: Delay_controlContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay_control.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay_control.


    the parse tree

  54. abstract def enterDelay_or_event_control(ctx: Delay_or_event_controlContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay_or_event_control.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay_or_event_control.


    the parse tree

  55. abstract def enterDelay_value(ctx: Delay_valueContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay_value.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay_value.


    the parse tree

  56. abstract def enterDelayed_data(ctx: Delayed_dataContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delayed_data.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delayed_data.


    the parse tree

  57. abstract def enterDelayed_reference(ctx: Delayed_referenceContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delayed_reference.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delayed_reference.


    the parse tree

  58. abstract def enterDescription(ctx: DescriptionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#description.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#description.


    the parse tree

  59. abstract def enterDesign_statement(ctx: Design_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#design_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#design_statement.


    the parse tree

  60. abstract def enterDimension(ctx: DimensionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#dimension.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#dimension.


    the parse tree

  61. abstract def enterDimension_constant_expression(ctx: Dimension_constant_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#dimension_constant_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#dimension_constant_expression.


    the parse tree

  62. abstract def enterDirective(ctx: DirectiveContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#directive.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#directive.


    the parse tree

  63. abstract def enterDisable_statement(ctx: Disable_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#disable_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#disable_statement.


    the parse tree

  64. abstract def enterDrive_strength(ctx: Drive_strengthContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#drive_strength.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#drive_strength.


    the parse tree

  65. abstract def enterEdge_identifier(ctx: Edge_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#edge_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#edge_identifier.


    the parse tree

  66. abstract def enterEdge_sensitive_path_declaration(ctx: Edge_sensitive_path_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#edge_sensitive_path_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#edge_sensitive_path_declaration.


    the parse tree

  67. abstract def enterElse_directive(ctx: Else_directiveContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#else_directive.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#else_directive.


    the parse tree

  68. abstract def enterElsif_directive(ctx: Elsif_directiveContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#elsif_directive.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#elsif_directive.


    the parse tree

  69. abstract def enterEnable_gate_instance(ctx: Enable_gate_instanceContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#enable_gate_instance.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#enable_gate_instance.


    the parse tree

  70. abstract def enterEnable_gatetype(ctx: Enable_gatetypeContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#enable_gatetype.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#enable_gatetype.


    the parse tree

  71. abstract def enterEnable_terminal(ctx: Enable_terminalContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#enable_terminal.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#enable_terminal.


    the parse tree

  72. abstract def enterEnd_edge_offset(ctx: End_edge_offsetContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#end_edge_offset.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#end_edge_offset.


    the parse tree

  73. abstract def enterEndif_directive(ctx: Endif_directiveContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#endif_directive.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#endif_directive.


    the parse tree

  74. abstract def enterError_limit_value(ctx: Error_limit_valueContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#error_limit_value.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#error_limit_value.


    the parse tree

  75. abstract def enterEscaped_arrayed_identifier(ctx: Escaped_arrayed_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#escaped_arrayed_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#escaped_arrayed_identifier.


    the parse tree

  76. abstract def enterEscaped_hierarchical_branch(ctx: Escaped_hierarchical_branchContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#escaped_hierarchical_branch.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#escaped_hierarchical_branch.


    the parse tree

  77. abstract def enterEscaped_hierarchical_identifier(ctx: Escaped_hierarchical_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#escaped_hierarchical_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#escaped_hierarchical_identifier.


    the parse tree

  78. abstract def enterEvent_based_flag(ctx: Event_based_flagContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_based_flag.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_based_flag.


    the parse tree

  79. abstract def enterEvent_control(ctx: Event_controlContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_control.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_control.


    the parse tree

  80. abstract def enterEvent_declaration(ctx: Event_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_declaration.


    the parse tree

  81. abstract def enterEvent_expression(ctx: Event_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_expression.


    the parse tree

  82. abstract def enterEvent_identifier(ctx: Event_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_identifier.


    the parse tree

  83. abstract def enterEvent_primary(ctx: Event_primaryContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_primary.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_primary.


    the parse tree

  84. abstract def enterEvent_trigger(ctx: Event_triggerContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_trigger.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_trigger.


    the parse tree

  85. abstract def enterEveryRule(arg0: ParserRuleContext): Unit
    Definition Classes
  86. abstract def enterExpression(ctx: ExpressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#expression.


    the parse tree

  87. abstract def enterFull_edge_sensitive_path_description(ctx: Full_edge_sensitive_path_descriptionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#full_edge_sensitive_path_description.


    the parse tree

  88. abstract def enterFull_path_description(ctx: Full_path_descriptionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#full_path_description.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#full_path_description.


    the parse tree

  89. abstract def enterFunction_blocking_assignment(ctx: Function_blocking_assignmentContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_blocking_assignment.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_blocking_assignment.


    the parse tree

  90. abstract def enterFunction_call(ctx: Function_callContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_call.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_call.


    the parse tree

  91. abstract def enterFunction_case_body(ctx: Function_case_bodyContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_case_body.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_case_body.


    the parse tree

  92. abstract def enterFunction_case_item(ctx: Function_case_itemContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_case_item.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_case_item.


    the parse tree

  93. abstract def enterFunction_case_statement(ctx: Function_case_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_case_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_case_statement.


    the parse tree

  94. abstract def enterFunction_conditional_statement(ctx: Function_conditional_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_conditional_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_conditional_statement.


    the parse tree

  95. abstract def enterFunction_declaration(ctx: Function_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_declaration.


    the parse tree

  96. abstract def enterFunction_identifier(ctx: Function_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_identifier.


    the parse tree

  97. abstract def enterFunction_if_else_if_statement(ctx: Function_if_else_if_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_if_else_if_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_if_else_if_statement.


    the parse tree

  98. abstract def enterFunction_item_declaration(ctx: Function_item_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_item_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_item_declaration.


    the parse tree

  99. abstract def enterFunction_loop_statement(ctx: Function_loop_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_loop_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_loop_statement.


    the parse tree

  100. abstract def enterFunction_port(ctx: Function_portContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_port.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_port.


    the parse tree

  101. abstract def enterFunction_port_list(ctx: Function_port_listContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_port_list.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_port_list.


    the parse tree

  102. abstract def enterFunction_seq_block(ctx: Function_seq_blockContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_seq_block.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_seq_block.


    the parse tree

  103. abstract def enterFunction_statement(ctx: Function_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_statement.


    the parse tree

  104. abstract def enterFunction_statement_or_null(ctx: Function_statement_or_nullContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_statement_or_null.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_statement_or_null.


    the parse tree

  105. abstract def enterGate_instance_identifier(ctx: Gate_instance_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#gate_instance_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#gate_instance_identifier.


    the parse tree

  106. abstract def enterGate_instantiation(ctx: Gate_instantiationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#gate_instantiation.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#gate_instantiation.


    the parse tree

  107. abstract def enterGenerate_block(ctx: Generate_blockContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_block.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_block.


    the parse tree

  108. abstract def enterGenerate_block_identifier(ctx: Generate_block_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_block_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_block_identifier.


    the parse tree

  109. abstract def enterGenerate_case_body(ctx: Generate_case_bodyContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_case_body.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_case_body.


    the parse tree

  110. abstract def enterGenerate_case_statement(ctx: Generate_case_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_case_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_case_statement.


    the parse tree

  111. abstract def enterGenerate_conditional_statement(ctx: Generate_conditional_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_conditional_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_conditional_statement.


    the parse tree

  112. abstract def enterGenerate_item(ctx: Generate_itemContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_item.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_item.


    the parse tree

  113. abstract def enterGenerate_item_or_null(ctx: Generate_item_or_nullContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_item_or_null.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_item_or_null.


    the parse tree

  114. abstract def enterGenerate_loop_statement(ctx: Generate_loop_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_loop_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_loop_statement.


    the parse tree

  115. abstract def enterGenerated_instantiation(ctx: Generated_instantiationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generated_instantiation.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generated_instantiation.


    the parse tree

  116. abstract def enterGenvar_assignment(ctx: Genvar_assignmentContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_assignment.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_assignment.


    the parse tree

  117. abstract def enterGenvar_case_item(ctx: Genvar_case_itemContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_case_item.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_case_item.


    the parse tree

  118. abstract def enterGenvar_declaration(ctx: Genvar_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_declaration.


    the parse tree

  119. abstract def enterGenvar_function_call(ctx: Genvar_function_callContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_function_call.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_function_call.


    the parse tree

  120. abstract def enterGenvar_function_identifier(ctx: Genvar_function_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_function_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_function_identifier.


    the parse tree

  121. abstract def enterGenvar_identifier(ctx: Genvar_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_identifier.


    the parse tree

  122. abstract def enterHierarchical_block_identifier(ctx: Hierarchical_block_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_block_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_block_identifier.


    the parse tree

  123. abstract def enterHierarchical_event_identifier(ctx: Hierarchical_event_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_event_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_event_identifier.


    the parse tree

  124. abstract def enterHierarchical_function_identifier(ctx: Hierarchical_function_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_function_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_function_identifier.


    the parse tree

  125. abstract def enterHierarchical_identifier(ctx: Hierarchical_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_identifier.


    the parse tree

  126. abstract def enterHierarchical_net_identifier(ctx: Hierarchical_net_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_net_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_net_identifier.


    the parse tree

  127. abstract def enterHierarchical_task_identifier(ctx: Hierarchical_task_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_task_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_task_identifier.


    the parse tree

  128. abstract def enterHierarchical_variable_identifier(ctx: Hierarchical_variable_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_variable_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_variable_identifier.


    the parse tree

  129. abstract def enterIdentifier(ctx: IdentifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#identifier.


    the parse tree

  130. abstract def enterIfdef_directive(ctx: Ifdef_directiveContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ifdef_directive.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ifdef_directive.


    the parse tree

  131. abstract def enterIfndef_directive(ctx: Ifndef_directiveContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ifndef_directive.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ifndef_directive.


    the parse tree

  132. abstract def enterInclude_directive(ctx: Include_directiveContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#include_directive.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#include_directive.


    the parse tree

  133. abstract def enterIncomplete_condition_statement(ctx: Incomplete_condition_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#incomplete_condition_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#incomplete_condition_statement.


    the parse tree

  134. abstract def enterIncomplete_statement(ctx: Incomplete_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#incomplete_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#incomplete_statement.


    the parse tree

  135. abstract def enterInitial_construct(ctx: Initial_constructContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#initial_construct.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#initial_construct.


    the parse tree

  136. abstract def enterInout_declaration(ctx: Inout_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inout_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inout_declaration.


    the parse tree

  137. abstract def enterInout_port_identifier(ctx: Inout_port_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inout_port_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inout_port_identifier.


    the parse tree

  138. abstract def enterInout_terminal(ctx: Inout_terminalContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inout_terminal.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inout_terminal.


    the parse tree

  139. abstract def enterInput_declaration(ctx: Input_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_declaration.


    the parse tree

  140. abstract def enterInput_identifier(ctx: Input_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_identifier.


    the parse tree

  141. abstract def enterInput_port_identifier(ctx: Input_port_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_port_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_port_identifier.


    the parse tree

  142. abstract def enterInput_terminal(ctx: Input_terminalContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_terminal.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_terminal.


    the parse tree

  143. abstract def enterInst_clause(ctx: Inst_clauseContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inst_clause.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inst_clause.


    the parse tree

  144. abstract def enterInst_name(ctx: Inst_nameContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inst_name.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inst_name.


    the parse tree

  145. abstract def enterInstance_identifier(ctx: Instance_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#instance_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#instance_identifier.


    the parse tree

  146. abstract def enterInteger_declaration(ctx: Integer_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#integer_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#integer_declaration.


    the parse tree

  147. abstract def enterLiblist_clause(ctx: Liblist_clauseContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#liblist_clause.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#liblist_clause.


    the parse tree

  148. abstract def enterLibrary_identifier(ctx: Library_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#library_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#library_identifier.


    the parse tree

  149. abstract def enterLimit_value(ctx: Limit_valueContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#limit_value.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#limit_value.


    the parse tree

  150. abstract def enterList_of_block_variable_identifiers(ctx: List_of_block_variable_identifiersContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_block_variable_identifiers.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_block_variable_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  151. abstract def enterList_of_event_identifiers(ctx: List_of_event_identifiersContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_event_identifiers.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_event_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  152. abstract def enterList_of_genvar_identifiers(ctx: List_of_genvar_identifiersContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_genvar_identifiers.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_genvar_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  153. abstract def enterList_of_net_assignments(ctx: List_of_net_assignmentsContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_net_assignments.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_net_assignments.


    the parse tree

  154. abstract def enterList_of_net_decl_assignments(ctx: List_of_net_decl_assignmentsContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_net_decl_assignments.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_net_decl_assignments.


    the parse tree

  155. abstract def enterList_of_net_identifiers(ctx: List_of_net_identifiersContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_net_identifiers.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_net_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  156. abstract def enterList_of_param_assignments(ctx: List_of_param_assignmentsContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_param_assignments.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_param_assignments.


    the parse tree

  157. abstract def enterList_of_parameter_assignments(ctx: List_of_parameter_assignmentsContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_parameter_assignments.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_parameter_assignments.


    the parse tree

  158. abstract def enterList_of_path_delay_expressions(ctx: List_of_path_delay_expressionsContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_path_delay_expressions.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_path_delay_expressions.


    the parse tree

  159. abstract def enterList_of_path_inputs(ctx: List_of_path_inputsContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_path_inputs.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_path_inputs.


    the parse tree

  160. abstract def enterList_of_path_outputs(ctx: List_of_path_outputsContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_path_outputs.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_path_outputs.


    the parse tree

  161. abstract def enterList_of_port_connections(ctx: List_of_port_connectionsContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_port_connections.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_port_connections.


    the parse tree

  162. abstract def enterList_of_port_declarations(ctx: List_of_port_declarationsContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_port_declarations.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_port_declarations.


    the parse tree

  163. abstract def enterList_of_port_identifiers(ctx: List_of_port_identifiersContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_port_identifiers.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_port_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  164. abstract def enterList_of_ports(ctx: List_of_portsContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_ports.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_ports.


    the parse tree

  165. abstract def enterList_of_real_identifiers(ctx: List_of_real_identifiersContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_real_identifiers.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_real_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  166. abstract def enterList_of_specparam_assignments(ctx: List_of_specparam_assignmentsContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_specparam_assignments.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_specparam_assignments.


    the parse tree

  167. abstract def enterList_of_variable_identifiers(ctx: List_of_variable_identifiersContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_variable_identifiers.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_variable_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  168. abstract def enterList_of_variable_port_identifiers(ctx: List_of_variable_port_identifiersContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_variable_port_identifiers.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_variable_port_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  169. abstract def enterLocal_parameter_declaration(ctx: Local_parameter_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#local_parameter_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#local_parameter_declaration.


    the parse tree

  170. abstract def enterLoop_statement(ctx: Loop_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#loop_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#loop_statement.


    the parse tree

  171. abstract def enterLsb_constant_expression(ctx: Lsb_constant_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#lsb_constant_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#lsb_constant_expression.


    the parse tree

  172. abstract def enterMemory_identifier(ctx: Memory_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#memory_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#memory_identifier.


    the parse tree

  173. abstract def enterMintypmax_expression(ctx: Mintypmax_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#mintypmax_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#mintypmax_expression.


    the parse tree

  174. abstract def enterModule_declaration(ctx: Module_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_declaration.


    the parse tree

  175. abstract def enterModule_head(ctx: Module_headContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_head.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_head.


    the parse tree

  176. abstract def enterModule_identifier(ctx: Module_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_identifier.


    the parse tree

  177. abstract def enterModule_instance(ctx: Module_instanceContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_instance.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_instance.


    the parse tree

  178. abstract def enterModule_instance_identifier(ctx: Module_instance_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_instance_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_instance_identifier.


    the parse tree

  179. abstract def enterModule_instantiation(ctx: Module_instantiationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_instantiation.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_instantiation.


    the parse tree

  180. abstract def enterModule_item(ctx: Module_itemContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_item.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_item.


    the parse tree

  181. abstract def enterModule_keyword(ctx: Module_keywordContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_keyword.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_keyword.


    the parse tree

  182. abstract def enterModule_or_generate_item(ctx: Module_or_generate_itemContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_or_generate_item.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_or_generate_item.


    the parse tree

  183. abstract def enterModule_or_generate_item_declaration(ctx: Module_or_generate_item_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_or_generate_item_declaration.


    the parse tree

  184. abstract def enterModule_parameter_port_list(ctx: Module_parameter_port_listContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_parameter_port_list.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_parameter_port_list.


    the parse tree

  185. abstract def enterModule_path_concatenation(ctx: Module_path_concatenationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_concatenation.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_concatenation.


    the parse tree

  186. abstract def enterModule_path_conditional_expression(ctx: Module_path_conditional_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_conditional_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_conditional_expression.


    the parse tree

  187. abstract def enterModule_path_expression(ctx: Module_path_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_expression.


    the parse tree

  188. abstract def enterModule_path_mintypmax_expression(ctx: Module_path_mintypmax_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_mintypmax_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_mintypmax_expression.


    the parse tree

  189. abstract def enterModule_path_multiple_concatenation(ctx: Module_path_multiple_concatenationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_multiple_concatenation.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_multiple_concatenation.


    the parse tree

  190. abstract def enterModule_path_primary(ctx: Module_path_primaryContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_primary.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_primary.


    the parse tree

  191. abstract def enterMos_switch_instance(ctx: Mos_switch_instanceContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#mos_switch_instance.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#mos_switch_instance.


    the parse tree

  192. abstract def enterMos_switchtype(ctx: Mos_switchtypeContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#mos_switchtype.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#mos_switchtype.


    the parse tree

  193. abstract def enterMsb_constant_expression(ctx: Msb_constant_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#msb_constant_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#msb_constant_expression.


    the parse tree

  194. abstract def enterMultiple_concatenation(ctx: Multiple_concatenationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#multiple_concatenation.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#multiple_concatenation.


    the parse tree

  195. abstract def enterN_input_gate_instance(ctx: N_input_gate_instanceContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_input_gate_instance.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_input_gate_instance.


    the parse tree

  196. abstract def enterN_input_gatetype(ctx: N_input_gatetypeContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_input_gatetype.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_input_gatetype.


    the parse tree

  197. abstract def enterN_output_gate_instance(ctx: N_output_gate_instanceContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_output_gate_instance.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_output_gate_instance.


    the parse tree

  198. abstract def enterN_output_gatetype(ctx: N_output_gatetypeContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_output_gatetype.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_output_gatetype.


    the parse tree

  199. abstract def enterName_of_gate_instance(ctx: Name_of_gate_instanceContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#name_of_gate_instance.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#name_of_gate_instance.


    the parse tree

  200. abstract def enterName_of_instance(ctx: Name_of_instanceContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#name_of_instance.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#name_of_instance.


    the parse tree

  201. abstract def enterNamed_parameter_assignment(ctx: Named_parameter_assignmentContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#named_parameter_assignment.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#named_parameter_assignment.


    the parse tree

  202. abstract def enterNamed_port_connection(ctx: Named_port_connectionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#named_port_connection.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#named_port_connection.


    the parse tree

  203. abstract def enterNcontrol_terminal(ctx: Ncontrol_terminalContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ncontrol_terminal.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ncontrol_terminal.


    the parse tree

  204. abstract def enterNet_assignment(ctx: Net_assignmentContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_assignment.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_assignment.


    the parse tree

  205. abstract def enterNet_concatenation(ctx: Net_concatenationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_concatenation.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_concatenation.


    the parse tree

  206. abstract def enterNet_concatenation_value(ctx: Net_concatenation_valueContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_concatenation_value.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_concatenation_value.


    the parse tree

  207. abstract def enterNet_decl_assignment(ctx: Net_decl_assignmentContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_decl_assignment.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_decl_assignment.


    the parse tree

  208. abstract def enterNet_declaration(ctx: Net_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_declaration.


    the parse tree

  209. abstract def enterNet_identifier(ctx: Net_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_identifier.


    the parse tree

  210. abstract def enterNet_lvalue(ctx: Net_lvalueContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_lvalue.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_lvalue.


    the parse tree

  211. abstract def enterNet_type(ctx: Net_typeContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_type.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_type.


    the parse tree

  212. abstract def enterNonblocking_assignment(ctx: Nonblocking_assignmentContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#nonblocking_assignment.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#nonblocking_assignment.


    the parse tree

  213. abstract def enterNotify_reg(ctx: Notify_regContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#notify_reg.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#notify_reg.


    the parse tree

  214. abstract def enterNumber(ctx: NumberContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#number.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#number.


    the parse tree

  215. abstract def enterOrdered_parameter_assignment(ctx: Ordered_parameter_assignmentContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ordered_parameter_assignment.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ordered_parameter_assignment.


    the parse tree

  216. abstract def enterOrdered_port_connection(ctx: Ordered_port_connectionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ordered_port_connection.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ordered_port_connection.


    the parse tree

  217. abstract def enterOutput_declaration(ctx: Output_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_declaration.


    the parse tree

  218. abstract def enterOutput_identifier(ctx: Output_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_identifier.


    the parse tree

  219. abstract def enterOutput_port_identifier(ctx: Output_port_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_port_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_port_identifier.


    the parse tree

  220. abstract def enterOutput_terminal(ctx: Output_terminalContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_terminal.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_terminal.


    the parse tree

  221. abstract def enterOutput_variable_type(ctx: Output_variable_typeContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_variable_type.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_variable_type.


    the parse tree

  222. abstract def enterPar_block(ctx: Par_blockContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#par_block.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#par_block.


    the parse tree

  223. abstract def enterParallel_edge_sensitive_path_description(ctx: Parallel_edge_sensitive_path_descriptionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parallel_edge_sensitive_path_description.


    the parse tree

  224. abstract def enterParallel_path_description(ctx: Parallel_path_descriptionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parallel_path_description.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parallel_path_description.


    the parse tree

  225. abstract def enterParam_assignment(ctx: Param_assignmentContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#param_assignment.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#param_assignment.


    the parse tree

  226. abstract def enterParameter_declaration(ctx: Parameter_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_declaration.


    the parse tree

  227. abstract def enterParameter_declaration_(ctx: Parameter_declaration_Context): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_declaration_.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_declaration_.


    the parse tree

  228. abstract def enterParameter_identifier(ctx: Parameter_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_identifier.


    the parse tree

  229. abstract def enterParameter_override(ctx: Parameter_overrideContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_override.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_override.


    the parse tree

  230. abstract def enterParameter_value_assignment(ctx: Parameter_value_assignmentContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_value_assignment.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_value_assignment.


    the parse tree

  231. abstract def enterPass_en_switchtype(ctx: Pass_en_switchtypeContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_en_switchtype.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_en_switchtype.


    the parse tree

  232. abstract def enterPass_enable_switch_instance(ctx: Pass_enable_switch_instanceContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_enable_switch_instance.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_enable_switch_instance.


    the parse tree

  233. abstract def enterPass_switch_instance(ctx: Pass_switch_instanceContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_switch_instance.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_switch_instance.


    the parse tree

  234. abstract def enterPass_switchtype(ctx: Pass_switchtypeContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_switchtype.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_switchtype.


    the parse tree

  235. abstract def enterPath_declaration(ctx: Path_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#path_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#path_declaration.


    the parse tree

  236. abstract def enterPath_delay_expression(ctx: Path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  237. abstract def enterPath_delay_value(ctx: Path_delay_valueContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#path_delay_value.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#path_delay_value.


    the parse tree

  238. abstract def enterPcontrol_terminal(ctx: Pcontrol_terminalContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pcontrol_terminal.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pcontrol_terminal.


    the parse tree

  239. abstract def enterPolarity_operator(ctx: Polarity_operatorContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#polarity_operator.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#polarity_operator.


    the parse tree

  240. abstract def enterPort(ctx: PortContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port.


    the parse tree

  241. abstract def enterPort_declaration(ctx: Port_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_declaration.


    the parse tree

  242. abstract def enterPort_expression(ctx: Port_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_expression.


    the parse tree

  243. abstract def enterPort_identifier(ctx: Port_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_identifier.


    the parse tree

  244. abstract def enterPort_reference(ctx: Port_referenceContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_reference.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_reference.


    the parse tree

  245. abstract def enterPrimary(ctx: PrimaryContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#primary.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#primary.


    the parse tree

  246. abstract def enterProcedural_continuous_assignments(ctx: Procedural_continuous_assignmentsContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#procedural_continuous_assignments.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#procedural_continuous_assignments.


    the parse tree

  247. abstract def enterProcedural_timing_control_statement(ctx: Procedural_timing_control_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#procedural_timing_control_statement.


    the parse tree

  248. abstract def enterPull_gate_instance(ctx: Pull_gate_instanceContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pull_gate_instance.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pull_gate_instance.


    the parse tree

  249. abstract def enterPulldown_strength(ctx: Pulldown_strengthContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pulldown_strength.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pulldown_strength.


    the parse tree

  250. abstract def enterPullup_strength(ctx: Pullup_strengthContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pullup_strength.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pullup_strength.


    the parse tree

  251. abstract def enterPulse_control_specparam(ctx: Pulse_control_specparamContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pulse_control_specparam.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pulse_control_specparam.


    the parse tree

  252. abstract def enterPulsestyle_declaration(ctx: Pulsestyle_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pulsestyle_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pulsestyle_declaration.


    the parse tree

  253. abstract def enterRange_(ctx: Range_Context): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#range_.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#range_.


    the parse tree

  254. abstract def enterRange_expression(ctx: Range_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#range_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#range_expression.


    the parse tree

  255. abstract def enterRange_or_type(ctx: Range_or_typeContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#range_or_type.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#range_or_type.


    the parse tree

  256. abstract def enterReal_declaration(ctx: Real_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#real_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#real_declaration.


    the parse tree

  257. abstract def enterReal_identifier(ctx: Real_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#real_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#real_identifier.


    the parse tree

  258. abstract def enterReal_type(ctx: Real_typeContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#real_type.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#real_type.


    the parse tree

  259. abstract def enterRealtime_declaration(ctx: Realtime_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#realtime_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#realtime_declaration.


    the parse tree

  260. abstract def enterReg_declaration(ctx: Reg_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#reg_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#reg_declaration.


    the parse tree

  261. abstract def enterReject_limit_value(ctx: Reject_limit_valueContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#reject_limit_value.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#reject_limit_value.


    the parse tree

  262. abstract def enterRemain_active_flag(ctx: Remain_active_flagContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#remain_active_flag.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#remain_active_flag.


    the parse tree

  263. abstract def enterSeq_block(ctx: Seq_blockContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#seq_block.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#seq_block.


    the parse tree

  264. abstract def enterShowcancelled_declaration(ctx: Showcancelled_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#showcancelled_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#showcancelled_declaration.


    the parse tree

  265. abstract def enterSimple_arrayed_identifier(ctx: Simple_arrayed_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_arrayed_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_arrayed_identifier.


    the parse tree

  266. abstract def enterSimple_hierarchical_branch(ctx: Simple_hierarchical_branchContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_hierarchical_branch.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_hierarchical_branch.


    the parse tree

  267. abstract def enterSimple_hierarchical_identifier(ctx: Simple_hierarchical_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_hierarchical_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_hierarchical_identifier.


    the parse tree

  268. abstract def enterSimple_path_declaration(ctx: Simple_path_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_path_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_path_declaration.


    the parse tree

  269. abstract def enterSource_text(ctx: Source_textContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#source_text.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#source_text.


    the parse tree

  270. abstract def enterSpecify_block(ctx: Specify_blockContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specify_block.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specify_block.


    the parse tree

  271. abstract def enterSpecify_input_terminal_descriptor(ctx: Specify_input_terminal_descriptorContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specify_input_terminal_descriptor.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specify_input_terminal_descriptor.


    the parse tree

  272. abstract def enterSpecify_item(ctx: Specify_itemContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specify_item.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specify_item.


    the parse tree

  273. abstract def enterSpecify_output_terminal_descriptor(ctx: Specify_output_terminal_descriptorContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specify_output_terminal_descriptor.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specify_output_terminal_descriptor.


    the parse tree

  274. abstract def enterSpecparam_assignment(ctx: Specparam_assignmentContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specparam_assignment.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specparam_assignment.


    the parse tree

  275. abstract def enterSpecparam_declaration(ctx: Specparam_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specparam_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specparam_declaration.


    the parse tree

  276. abstract def enterSpecparam_identifier(ctx: Specparam_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specparam_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specparam_identifier.


    the parse tree

  277. abstract def enterStamptime_condition(ctx: Stamptime_conditionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#stamptime_condition.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#stamptime_condition.


    the parse tree

  278. abstract def enterStart_edge_offset(ctx: Start_edge_offsetContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#start_edge_offset.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#start_edge_offset.


    the parse tree

  279. abstract def enterState_dependent_path_declaration(ctx: State_dependent_path_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#state_dependent_path_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#state_dependent_path_declaration.


    the parse tree

  280. abstract def enterStatement(ctx: StatementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#statement.


    the parse tree

  281. abstract def enterStatement_or_null(ctx: Statement_or_nullContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#statement_or_null.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#statement_or_null.


    the parse tree

  282. abstract def enterStrength0(ctx: Strength0Context): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#strength0.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#strength0.


    the parse tree

  283. abstract def enterStrength1(ctx: Strength1Context): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#strength1.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#strength1.


    the parse tree

  284. abstract def enterSystem_function_call(ctx: System_function_callContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_function_call.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_function_call.


    the parse tree

  285. abstract def enterSystem_function_identifier(ctx: System_function_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_function_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_function_identifier.


    the parse tree

  286. abstract def enterSystem_task_enable(ctx: System_task_enableContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_task_enable.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_task_enable.


    the parse tree

  287. abstract def enterSystem_task_identifier(ctx: System_task_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_task_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_task_identifier.


    the parse tree

  288. abstract def enterT01_path_delay_expression(ctx: T01_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t01_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t01_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  289. abstract def enterT0x_path_delay_expression(ctx: T0x_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t0x_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t0x_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  290. abstract def enterT0z_path_delay_expression(ctx: T0z_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t0z_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t0z_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  291. abstract def enterT10_path_delay_expression(ctx: T10_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t10_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t10_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  292. abstract def enterT1x_path_delay_expression(ctx: T1x_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t1x_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t1x_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  293. abstract def enterT1z_path_delay_expression(ctx: T1z_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t1z_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t1z_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  294. abstract def enterT_path_delay_expression(ctx: T_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  295. abstract def enterTask_declaration(ctx: Task_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_declaration.


    the parse tree

  296. abstract def enterTask_enable(ctx: Task_enableContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_enable.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_enable.


    the parse tree

  297. abstract def enterTask_identifier(ctx: Task_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_identifier.


    the parse tree

  298. abstract def enterTask_item_declaration(ctx: Task_item_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_item_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_item_declaration.


    the parse tree

  299. abstract def enterTask_port_item(ctx: Task_port_itemContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_port_item.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_port_item.


    the parse tree

  300. abstract def enterTask_port_list(ctx: Task_port_listContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_port_list.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_port_list.


    the parse tree

  301. abstract def enterTask_port_type(ctx: Task_port_typeContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_port_type.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_port_type.


    the parse tree

  302. abstract def enterTerm(ctx: TermContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#term.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#term.


    the parse tree

  303. abstract def enterTerminal_identifier(ctx: Terminal_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#terminal_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#terminal_identifier.


    the parse tree

  304. abstract def enterText_macro_identifier(ctx: Text_macro_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#text_macro_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#text_macro_identifier.


    the parse tree

  305. abstract def enterTf_decl_header(ctx: Tf_decl_headerContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tf_decl_header.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tf_decl_header.


    the parse tree

  306. abstract def enterTf_declaration(ctx: Tf_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tf_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tf_declaration.


    the parse tree

  307. abstract def enterTfall_path_delay_expression(ctx: Tfall_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tfall_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tfall_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  308. abstract def enterThreshold(ctx: ThresholdContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#threshold.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#threshold.


    the parse tree

  309. abstract def enterTime_declaration(ctx: Time_declarationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#time_declaration.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#time_declaration.


    the parse tree

  310. abstract def enterTimescale_directive(ctx: Timescale_directiveContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#timescale_directive.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#timescale_directive.


    the parse tree

  311. abstract def enterTiming_check_limit(ctx: Timing_check_limitContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#timing_check_limit.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#timing_check_limit.


    the parse tree

  312. abstract def enterTopmodule_identifier(ctx: Topmodule_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#topmodule_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#topmodule_identifier.


    the parse tree

  313. abstract def enterTrise_path_delay_expression(ctx: Trise_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#trise_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#trise_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  314. abstract def enterTx0_path_delay_expression(ctx: Tx0_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tx0_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tx0_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  315. abstract def enterTx1_path_delay_expression(ctx: Tx1_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tx1_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tx1_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  316. abstract def enterTxz_path_delay_expression(ctx: Txz_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#txz_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#txz_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  317. abstract def enterTz0_path_delay_expression(ctx: Tz0_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tz0_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tz0_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  318. abstract def enterTz1_path_delay_expression(ctx: Tz1_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tz1_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tz1_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  319. abstract def enterTz_path_delay_expression(ctx: Tz_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tz_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tz_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  320. abstract def enterTzx_path_delay_expression(ctx: Tzx_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tzx_path_delay_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tzx_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  321. abstract def enterUdp_identifier(ctx: Udp_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#udp_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#udp_identifier.


    the parse tree

  322. abstract def enterUdp_instance_identifier(ctx: Udp_instance_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#udp_instance_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#udp_instance_identifier.


    the parse tree

  323. abstract def enterUnary_module_path_operator(ctx: Unary_module_path_operatorContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#unary_module_path_operator.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#unary_module_path_operator.


    the parse tree

  324. abstract def enterUnary_operator(ctx: Unary_operatorContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#unary_operator.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#unary_operator.


    the parse tree

  325. abstract def enterUndef_directive(ctx: Undef_directiveContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#undef_directive.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#undef_directive.


    the parse tree

  326. abstract def enterUse_clause(ctx: Use_clauseContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#use_clause.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#use_clause.


    the parse tree

  327. abstract def enterUsing_defined_flag(ctx: Using_defined_flagContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#using_defined_flag.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#using_defined_flag.


    the parse tree

  328. abstract def enterVariable_assignment(ctx: Variable_assignmentContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_assignment.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_assignment.


    the parse tree

  329. abstract def enterVariable_concatenation(ctx: Variable_concatenationContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_concatenation.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_concatenation.


    the parse tree

  330. abstract def enterVariable_concatenation_value(ctx: Variable_concatenation_valueContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_concatenation_value.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_concatenation_value.


    the parse tree

  331. abstract def enterVariable_identifier(ctx: Variable_identifierContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_identifier.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_identifier.


    the parse tree

  332. abstract def enterVariable_lvalue(ctx: Variable_lvalueContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_lvalue.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_lvalue.


    the parse tree

  333. abstract def enterVariable_type(ctx: Variable_typeContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_type.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_type.


    the parse tree

  334. abstract def enterWait_statement(ctx: Wait_statementContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#wait_statement.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#wait_statement.


    the parse tree

  335. abstract def enterWidth_constant_expression(ctx: Width_constant_expressionContext): Unit

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#width_constant_expression.

    Enter a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#width_constant_expression.


    the parse tree

  336. abstract def exitAlways_construct(ctx: Always_constructContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#always_construct.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#always_construct.


    the parse tree

  337. abstract def exitArrayed_identifier(ctx: Arrayed_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#arrayed_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#arrayed_identifier.


    the parse tree

  338. abstract def exitAttr_name(ctx: Attr_nameContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#attr_name.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#attr_name.


    the parse tree

  339. abstract def exitAttr_spec(ctx: Attr_specContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#attr_spec.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#attr_spec.


    the parse tree

  340. abstract def exitAttribute_instance(ctx: Attribute_instanceContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#attribute_instance.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#attribute_instance.


    the parse tree

  341. abstract def exitBase_expression(ctx: Base_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#base_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#base_expression.


    the parse tree

  342. abstract def exitBinary_module_path_operator(ctx: Binary_module_path_operatorContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#binary_module_path_operator.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#binary_module_path_operator.


    the parse tree

  343. abstract def exitBinary_operator(ctx: Binary_operatorContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#binary_operator.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#binary_operator.


    the parse tree

  344. abstract def exitBinary_operator_or(ctx: Binary_operator_orContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#binary_operator_or.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#binary_operator_or.


    the parse tree

  345. abstract def exitBlock_identifier(ctx: Block_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_identifier.


    the parse tree

  346. abstract def exitBlock_item_declaration(ctx: Block_item_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_item_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_item_declaration.


    the parse tree

  347. abstract def exitBlock_reg_declaration(ctx: Block_reg_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_reg_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_reg_declaration.


    the parse tree

  348. abstract def exitBlock_variable_type(ctx: Block_variable_typeContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_variable_type.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#block_variable_type.


    the parse tree

  349. abstract def exitBlocking_assignment(ctx: Blocking_assignmentContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#blocking_assignment.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#blocking_assignment.


    the parse tree

  350. abstract def exitCase_body(ctx: Case_bodyContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_body.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_body.


    the parse tree

  351. abstract def exitCase_default_item(ctx: Case_default_itemContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_default_item.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_default_item.


    the parse tree

  352. abstract def exitCase_item(ctx: Case_itemContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_item.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_item.


    the parse tree

  353. abstract def exitCase_statement(ctx: Case_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#case_statement.


    the parse tree

  354. abstract def exitCell_clause(ctx: Cell_clauseContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cell_clause.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cell_clause.


    the parse tree

  355. abstract def exitCell_identifier(ctx: Cell_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cell_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cell_identifier.


    the parse tree

  356. abstract def exitCharge_strength(ctx: Charge_strengthContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#charge_strength.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#charge_strength.


    the parse tree

  357. abstract def exitChecktime_condition(ctx: Checktime_conditionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#checktime_condition.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#checktime_condition.


    the parse tree

  358. abstract def exitCmos_switch_instance(ctx: Cmos_switch_instanceContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cmos_switch_instance.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cmos_switch_instance.


    the parse tree

  359. abstract def exitCmos_switchtype(ctx: Cmos_switchtypeContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cmos_switchtype.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#cmos_switchtype.


    the parse tree

  360. abstract def exitConcatenation(ctx: ConcatenationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#concatenation.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#concatenation.


    the parse tree

  361. abstract def exitConditional_statement(ctx: Conditional_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement.


    the parse tree

  362. abstract def exitConditional_statement_body(ctx: Conditional_statement_bodyContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_body.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_body.


    the parse tree

  363. abstract def exitConditional_statement_chain(ctx: Conditional_statement_chainContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_chain.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_chain.


    the parse tree

  364. abstract def exitConditional_statement_else_chain(ctx: Conditional_statement_else_chainContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_else_chain.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_else_chain.


    the parse tree

  365. abstract def exitConditional_statement_else_tail(ctx: Conditional_statement_else_tailContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_else_tail.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_else_tail.


    the parse tree

  366. abstract def exitConditional_statement_head(ctx: Conditional_statement_headContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_head.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#conditional_statement_head.


    the parse tree

  367. abstract def exitConfig_declaration(ctx: Config_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#config_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#config_declaration.


    the parse tree

  368. abstract def exitConfig_identifier(ctx: Config_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#config_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#config_identifier.


    the parse tree

  369. abstract def exitConfig_rule_statement(ctx: Config_rule_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#config_rule_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#config_rule_statement.


    the parse tree

  370. abstract def exitConstant_base_expression(ctx: Constant_base_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_base_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_base_expression.


    the parse tree

  371. abstract def exitConstant_concatenation(ctx: Constant_concatenationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_concatenation.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_concatenation.


    the parse tree

  372. abstract def exitConstant_expression(ctx: Constant_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_expression.


    the parse tree

  373. abstract def exitConstant_function_call(ctx: Constant_function_callContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_function_call.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_function_call.


    the parse tree

  374. abstract def exitConstant_mintypmax_expression(ctx: Constant_mintypmax_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_mintypmax_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_mintypmax_expression.


    the parse tree

  375. abstract def exitConstant_multiple_concatenation(ctx: Constant_multiple_concatenationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_multiple_concatenation.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_multiple_concatenation.


    the parse tree

  376. abstract def exitConstant_primary(ctx: Constant_primaryContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_primary.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_primary.


    the parse tree

  377. abstract def exitConstant_range_expression(ctx: Constant_range_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_range_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#constant_range_expression.


    the parse tree

  378. abstract def exitContinuous_assign(ctx: Continuous_assignContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#continuous_assign.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#continuous_assign.


    the parse tree

  379. abstract def exitCreate_defined_flag(ctx: Create_defined_flagContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#create_defined_flag.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#create_defined_flag.


    the parse tree

  380. abstract def exitCreate_defined_term(ctx: Create_defined_termContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#create_defined_term.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#create_defined_term.


    the parse tree

  381. abstract def exitData_source_expression(ctx: Data_source_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#data_source_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#data_source_expression.


    the parse tree

  382. abstract def exitDefault_clause(ctx: Default_clauseContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#default_clause.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#default_clause.


    the parse tree

  383. abstract def exitDefault_nettype_directive(ctx: Default_nettype_directiveContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#default_nettype_directive.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#default_nettype_directive.


    the parse tree

  384. abstract def exitDefine_directive(ctx: Define_directiveContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#define_directive.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#define_directive.


    the parse tree

  385. abstract def exitDefined_flag(ctx: Defined_flagContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#defined_flag.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#defined_flag.


    the parse tree

  386. abstract def exitDelay2(ctx: Delay2Context): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay2.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay2.


    the parse tree

  387. abstract def exitDelay3(ctx: Delay3Context): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay3.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay3.


    the parse tree

  388. abstract def exitDelay_control(ctx: Delay_controlContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay_control.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay_control.


    the parse tree

  389. abstract def exitDelay_or_event_control(ctx: Delay_or_event_controlContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay_or_event_control.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay_or_event_control.


    the parse tree

  390. abstract def exitDelay_value(ctx: Delay_valueContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay_value.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delay_value.


    the parse tree

  391. abstract def exitDelayed_data(ctx: Delayed_dataContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delayed_data.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delayed_data.


    the parse tree

  392. abstract def exitDelayed_reference(ctx: Delayed_referenceContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delayed_reference.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#delayed_reference.


    the parse tree

  393. abstract def exitDescription(ctx: DescriptionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#description.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#description.


    the parse tree

  394. abstract def exitDesign_statement(ctx: Design_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#design_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#design_statement.


    the parse tree

  395. abstract def exitDimension(ctx: DimensionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#dimension.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#dimension.


    the parse tree

  396. abstract def exitDimension_constant_expression(ctx: Dimension_constant_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#dimension_constant_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#dimension_constant_expression.


    the parse tree

  397. abstract def exitDirective(ctx: DirectiveContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#directive.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#directive.


    the parse tree

  398. abstract def exitDisable_statement(ctx: Disable_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#disable_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#disable_statement.


    the parse tree

  399. abstract def exitDrive_strength(ctx: Drive_strengthContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#drive_strength.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#drive_strength.


    the parse tree

  400. abstract def exitEdge_identifier(ctx: Edge_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#edge_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#edge_identifier.


    the parse tree

  401. abstract def exitEdge_sensitive_path_declaration(ctx: Edge_sensitive_path_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#edge_sensitive_path_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#edge_sensitive_path_declaration.


    the parse tree

  402. abstract def exitElse_directive(ctx: Else_directiveContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#else_directive.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#else_directive.


    the parse tree

  403. abstract def exitElsif_directive(ctx: Elsif_directiveContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#elsif_directive.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#elsif_directive.


    the parse tree

  404. abstract def exitEnable_gate_instance(ctx: Enable_gate_instanceContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#enable_gate_instance.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#enable_gate_instance.


    the parse tree

  405. abstract def exitEnable_gatetype(ctx: Enable_gatetypeContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#enable_gatetype.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#enable_gatetype.


    the parse tree

  406. abstract def exitEnable_terminal(ctx: Enable_terminalContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#enable_terminal.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#enable_terminal.


    the parse tree

  407. abstract def exitEnd_edge_offset(ctx: End_edge_offsetContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#end_edge_offset.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#end_edge_offset.


    the parse tree

  408. abstract def exitEndif_directive(ctx: Endif_directiveContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#endif_directive.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#endif_directive.


    the parse tree

  409. abstract def exitError_limit_value(ctx: Error_limit_valueContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#error_limit_value.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#error_limit_value.


    the parse tree

  410. abstract def exitEscaped_arrayed_identifier(ctx: Escaped_arrayed_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#escaped_arrayed_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#escaped_arrayed_identifier.


    the parse tree

  411. abstract def exitEscaped_hierarchical_branch(ctx: Escaped_hierarchical_branchContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#escaped_hierarchical_branch.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#escaped_hierarchical_branch.


    the parse tree

  412. abstract def exitEscaped_hierarchical_identifier(ctx: Escaped_hierarchical_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#escaped_hierarchical_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#escaped_hierarchical_identifier.


    the parse tree

  413. abstract def exitEvent_based_flag(ctx: Event_based_flagContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_based_flag.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_based_flag.


    the parse tree

  414. abstract def exitEvent_control(ctx: Event_controlContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_control.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_control.


    the parse tree

  415. abstract def exitEvent_declaration(ctx: Event_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_declaration.


    the parse tree

  416. abstract def exitEvent_expression(ctx: Event_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_expression.


    the parse tree

  417. abstract def exitEvent_identifier(ctx: Event_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_identifier.


    the parse tree

  418. abstract def exitEvent_primary(ctx: Event_primaryContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_primary.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_primary.


    the parse tree

  419. abstract def exitEvent_trigger(ctx: Event_triggerContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_trigger.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#event_trigger.


    the parse tree

  420. abstract def exitEveryRule(arg0: ParserRuleContext): Unit
    Definition Classes
  421. abstract def exitExpression(ctx: ExpressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#expression.


    the parse tree

  422. abstract def exitFull_edge_sensitive_path_description(ctx: Full_edge_sensitive_path_descriptionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#full_edge_sensitive_path_description.


    the parse tree

  423. abstract def exitFull_path_description(ctx: Full_path_descriptionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#full_path_description.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#full_path_description.


    the parse tree

  424. abstract def exitFunction_blocking_assignment(ctx: Function_blocking_assignmentContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_blocking_assignment.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_blocking_assignment.


    the parse tree

  425. abstract def exitFunction_call(ctx: Function_callContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_call.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_call.


    the parse tree

  426. abstract def exitFunction_case_body(ctx: Function_case_bodyContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_case_body.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_case_body.


    the parse tree

  427. abstract def exitFunction_case_item(ctx: Function_case_itemContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_case_item.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_case_item.


    the parse tree

  428. abstract def exitFunction_case_statement(ctx: Function_case_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_case_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_case_statement.


    the parse tree

  429. abstract def exitFunction_conditional_statement(ctx: Function_conditional_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_conditional_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_conditional_statement.


    the parse tree

  430. abstract def exitFunction_declaration(ctx: Function_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_declaration.


    the parse tree

  431. abstract def exitFunction_identifier(ctx: Function_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_identifier.


    the parse tree

  432. abstract def exitFunction_if_else_if_statement(ctx: Function_if_else_if_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_if_else_if_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_if_else_if_statement.


    the parse tree

  433. abstract def exitFunction_item_declaration(ctx: Function_item_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_item_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_item_declaration.


    the parse tree

  434. abstract def exitFunction_loop_statement(ctx: Function_loop_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_loop_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_loop_statement.


    the parse tree

  435. abstract def exitFunction_port(ctx: Function_portContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_port.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_port.


    the parse tree

  436. abstract def exitFunction_port_list(ctx: Function_port_listContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_port_list.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_port_list.


    the parse tree

  437. abstract def exitFunction_seq_block(ctx: Function_seq_blockContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_seq_block.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_seq_block.


    the parse tree

  438. abstract def exitFunction_statement(ctx: Function_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_statement.


    the parse tree

  439. abstract def exitFunction_statement_or_null(ctx: Function_statement_or_nullContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_statement_or_null.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#function_statement_or_null.


    the parse tree

  440. abstract def exitGate_instance_identifier(ctx: Gate_instance_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#gate_instance_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#gate_instance_identifier.


    the parse tree

  441. abstract def exitGate_instantiation(ctx: Gate_instantiationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#gate_instantiation.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#gate_instantiation.


    the parse tree

  442. abstract def exitGenerate_block(ctx: Generate_blockContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_block.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_block.


    the parse tree

  443. abstract def exitGenerate_block_identifier(ctx: Generate_block_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_block_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_block_identifier.


    the parse tree

  444. abstract def exitGenerate_case_body(ctx: Generate_case_bodyContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_case_body.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_case_body.


    the parse tree

  445. abstract def exitGenerate_case_statement(ctx: Generate_case_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_case_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_case_statement.


    the parse tree

  446. abstract def exitGenerate_conditional_statement(ctx: Generate_conditional_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_conditional_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_conditional_statement.


    the parse tree

  447. abstract def exitGenerate_item(ctx: Generate_itemContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_item.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_item.


    the parse tree

  448. abstract def exitGenerate_item_or_null(ctx: Generate_item_or_nullContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_item_or_null.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_item_or_null.


    the parse tree

  449. abstract def exitGenerate_loop_statement(ctx: Generate_loop_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_loop_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generate_loop_statement.


    the parse tree

  450. abstract def exitGenerated_instantiation(ctx: Generated_instantiationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generated_instantiation.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#generated_instantiation.


    the parse tree

  451. abstract def exitGenvar_assignment(ctx: Genvar_assignmentContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_assignment.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_assignment.


    the parse tree

  452. abstract def exitGenvar_case_item(ctx: Genvar_case_itemContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_case_item.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_case_item.


    the parse tree

  453. abstract def exitGenvar_declaration(ctx: Genvar_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_declaration.


    the parse tree

  454. abstract def exitGenvar_function_call(ctx: Genvar_function_callContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_function_call.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_function_call.


    the parse tree

  455. abstract def exitGenvar_function_identifier(ctx: Genvar_function_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_function_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_function_identifier.


    the parse tree

  456. abstract def exitGenvar_identifier(ctx: Genvar_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#genvar_identifier.


    the parse tree

  457. abstract def exitHierarchical_block_identifier(ctx: Hierarchical_block_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_block_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_block_identifier.


    the parse tree

  458. abstract def exitHierarchical_event_identifier(ctx: Hierarchical_event_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_event_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_event_identifier.


    the parse tree

  459. abstract def exitHierarchical_function_identifier(ctx: Hierarchical_function_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_function_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_function_identifier.


    the parse tree

  460. abstract def exitHierarchical_identifier(ctx: Hierarchical_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_identifier.


    the parse tree

  461. abstract def exitHierarchical_net_identifier(ctx: Hierarchical_net_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_net_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_net_identifier.


    the parse tree

  462. abstract def exitHierarchical_task_identifier(ctx: Hierarchical_task_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_task_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_task_identifier.


    the parse tree

  463. abstract def exitHierarchical_variable_identifier(ctx: Hierarchical_variable_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_variable_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#hierarchical_variable_identifier.


    the parse tree

  464. abstract def exitIdentifier(ctx: IdentifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#identifier.


    the parse tree

  465. abstract def exitIfdef_directive(ctx: Ifdef_directiveContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ifdef_directive.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ifdef_directive.


    the parse tree

  466. abstract def exitIfndef_directive(ctx: Ifndef_directiveContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ifndef_directive.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ifndef_directive.


    the parse tree

  467. abstract def exitInclude_directive(ctx: Include_directiveContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#include_directive.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#include_directive.


    the parse tree

  468. abstract def exitIncomplete_condition_statement(ctx: Incomplete_condition_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#incomplete_condition_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#incomplete_condition_statement.


    the parse tree

  469. abstract def exitIncomplete_statement(ctx: Incomplete_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#incomplete_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#incomplete_statement.


    the parse tree

  470. abstract def exitInitial_construct(ctx: Initial_constructContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#initial_construct.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#initial_construct.


    the parse tree

  471. abstract def exitInout_declaration(ctx: Inout_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inout_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inout_declaration.


    the parse tree

  472. abstract def exitInout_port_identifier(ctx: Inout_port_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inout_port_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inout_port_identifier.


    the parse tree

  473. abstract def exitInout_terminal(ctx: Inout_terminalContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inout_terminal.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inout_terminal.


    the parse tree

  474. abstract def exitInput_declaration(ctx: Input_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_declaration.


    the parse tree

  475. abstract def exitInput_identifier(ctx: Input_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_identifier.


    the parse tree

  476. abstract def exitInput_port_identifier(ctx: Input_port_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_port_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_port_identifier.


    the parse tree

  477. abstract def exitInput_terminal(ctx: Input_terminalContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_terminal.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#input_terminal.


    the parse tree

  478. abstract def exitInst_clause(ctx: Inst_clauseContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inst_clause.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inst_clause.


    the parse tree

  479. abstract def exitInst_name(ctx: Inst_nameContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inst_name.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#inst_name.


    the parse tree

  480. abstract def exitInstance_identifier(ctx: Instance_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#instance_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#instance_identifier.


    the parse tree

  481. abstract def exitInteger_declaration(ctx: Integer_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#integer_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#integer_declaration.


    the parse tree

  482. abstract def exitLiblist_clause(ctx: Liblist_clauseContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#liblist_clause.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#liblist_clause.


    the parse tree

  483. abstract def exitLibrary_identifier(ctx: Library_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#library_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#library_identifier.


    the parse tree

  484. abstract def exitLimit_value(ctx: Limit_valueContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#limit_value.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#limit_value.


    the parse tree

  485. abstract def exitList_of_block_variable_identifiers(ctx: List_of_block_variable_identifiersContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_block_variable_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  486. abstract def exitList_of_event_identifiers(ctx: List_of_event_identifiersContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_event_identifiers.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_event_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  487. abstract def exitList_of_genvar_identifiers(ctx: List_of_genvar_identifiersContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_genvar_identifiers.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_genvar_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  488. abstract def exitList_of_net_assignments(ctx: List_of_net_assignmentsContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_net_assignments.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_net_assignments.


    the parse tree

  489. abstract def exitList_of_net_decl_assignments(ctx: List_of_net_decl_assignmentsContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_net_decl_assignments.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_net_decl_assignments.


    the parse tree

  490. abstract def exitList_of_net_identifiers(ctx: List_of_net_identifiersContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_net_identifiers.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_net_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  491. abstract def exitList_of_param_assignments(ctx: List_of_param_assignmentsContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_param_assignments.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_param_assignments.


    the parse tree

  492. abstract def exitList_of_parameter_assignments(ctx: List_of_parameter_assignmentsContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_parameter_assignments.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_parameter_assignments.


    the parse tree

  493. abstract def exitList_of_path_delay_expressions(ctx: List_of_path_delay_expressionsContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_path_delay_expressions.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_path_delay_expressions.


    the parse tree

  494. abstract def exitList_of_path_inputs(ctx: List_of_path_inputsContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_path_inputs.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_path_inputs.


    the parse tree

  495. abstract def exitList_of_path_outputs(ctx: List_of_path_outputsContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_path_outputs.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_path_outputs.


    the parse tree

  496. abstract def exitList_of_port_connections(ctx: List_of_port_connectionsContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_port_connections.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_port_connections.


    the parse tree

  497. abstract def exitList_of_port_declarations(ctx: List_of_port_declarationsContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_port_declarations.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_port_declarations.


    the parse tree

  498. abstract def exitList_of_port_identifiers(ctx: List_of_port_identifiersContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_port_identifiers.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_port_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  499. abstract def exitList_of_ports(ctx: List_of_portsContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_ports.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_ports.


    the parse tree

  500. abstract def exitList_of_real_identifiers(ctx: List_of_real_identifiersContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_real_identifiers.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_real_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  501. abstract def exitList_of_specparam_assignments(ctx: List_of_specparam_assignmentsContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_specparam_assignments.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_specparam_assignments.


    the parse tree

  502. abstract def exitList_of_variable_identifiers(ctx: List_of_variable_identifiersContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_variable_identifiers.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_variable_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  503. abstract def exitList_of_variable_port_identifiers(ctx: List_of_variable_port_identifiersContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#list_of_variable_port_identifiers.


    the parse tree

  504. abstract def exitLocal_parameter_declaration(ctx: Local_parameter_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#local_parameter_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#local_parameter_declaration.


    the parse tree

  505. abstract def exitLoop_statement(ctx: Loop_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#loop_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#loop_statement.


    the parse tree

  506. abstract def exitLsb_constant_expression(ctx: Lsb_constant_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#lsb_constant_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#lsb_constant_expression.


    the parse tree

  507. abstract def exitMemory_identifier(ctx: Memory_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#memory_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#memory_identifier.


    the parse tree

  508. abstract def exitMintypmax_expression(ctx: Mintypmax_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#mintypmax_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#mintypmax_expression.


    the parse tree

  509. abstract def exitModule_declaration(ctx: Module_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_declaration.


    the parse tree

  510. abstract def exitModule_head(ctx: Module_headContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_head.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_head.


    the parse tree

  511. abstract def exitModule_identifier(ctx: Module_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_identifier.


    the parse tree

  512. abstract def exitModule_instance(ctx: Module_instanceContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_instance.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_instance.


    the parse tree

  513. abstract def exitModule_instance_identifier(ctx: Module_instance_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_instance_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_instance_identifier.


    the parse tree

  514. abstract def exitModule_instantiation(ctx: Module_instantiationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_instantiation.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_instantiation.


    the parse tree

  515. abstract def exitModule_item(ctx: Module_itemContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_item.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_item.


    the parse tree

  516. abstract def exitModule_keyword(ctx: Module_keywordContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_keyword.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_keyword.


    the parse tree

  517. abstract def exitModule_or_generate_item(ctx: Module_or_generate_itemContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_or_generate_item.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_or_generate_item.


    the parse tree

  518. abstract def exitModule_or_generate_item_declaration(ctx: Module_or_generate_item_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_or_generate_item_declaration.


    the parse tree

  519. abstract def exitModule_parameter_port_list(ctx: Module_parameter_port_listContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_parameter_port_list.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_parameter_port_list.


    the parse tree

  520. abstract def exitModule_path_concatenation(ctx: Module_path_concatenationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_concatenation.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_concatenation.


    the parse tree

  521. abstract def exitModule_path_conditional_expression(ctx: Module_path_conditional_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_conditional_expression.


    the parse tree

  522. abstract def exitModule_path_expression(ctx: Module_path_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_expression.


    the parse tree

  523. abstract def exitModule_path_mintypmax_expression(ctx: Module_path_mintypmax_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_mintypmax_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_mintypmax_expression.


    the parse tree

  524. abstract def exitModule_path_multiple_concatenation(ctx: Module_path_multiple_concatenationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_multiple_concatenation.


    the parse tree

  525. abstract def exitModule_path_primary(ctx: Module_path_primaryContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_primary.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#module_path_primary.


    the parse tree

  526. abstract def exitMos_switch_instance(ctx: Mos_switch_instanceContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#mos_switch_instance.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#mos_switch_instance.


    the parse tree

  527. abstract def exitMos_switchtype(ctx: Mos_switchtypeContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#mos_switchtype.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#mos_switchtype.


    the parse tree

  528. abstract def exitMsb_constant_expression(ctx: Msb_constant_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#msb_constant_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#msb_constant_expression.


    the parse tree

  529. abstract def exitMultiple_concatenation(ctx: Multiple_concatenationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#multiple_concatenation.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#multiple_concatenation.


    the parse tree

  530. abstract def exitN_input_gate_instance(ctx: N_input_gate_instanceContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_input_gate_instance.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_input_gate_instance.


    the parse tree

  531. abstract def exitN_input_gatetype(ctx: N_input_gatetypeContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_input_gatetype.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_input_gatetype.


    the parse tree

  532. abstract def exitN_output_gate_instance(ctx: N_output_gate_instanceContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_output_gate_instance.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_output_gate_instance.


    the parse tree

  533. abstract def exitN_output_gatetype(ctx: N_output_gatetypeContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_output_gatetype.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#n_output_gatetype.


    the parse tree

  534. abstract def exitName_of_gate_instance(ctx: Name_of_gate_instanceContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#name_of_gate_instance.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#name_of_gate_instance.


    the parse tree

  535. abstract def exitName_of_instance(ctx: Name_of_instanceContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#name_of_instance.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#name_of_instance.


    the parse tree

  536. abstract def exitNamed_parameter_assignment(ctx: Named_parameter_assignmentContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#named_parameter_assignment.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#named_parameter_assignment.


    the parse tree

  537. abstract def exitNamed_port_connection(ctx: Named_port_connectionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#named_port_connection.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#named_port_connection.


    the parse tree

  538. abstract def exitNcontrol_terminal(ctx: Ncontrol_terminalContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ncontrol_terminal.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ncontrol_terminal.


    the parse tree

  539. abstract def exitNet_assignment(ctx: Net_assignmentContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_assignment.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_assignment.


    the parse tree

  540. abstract def exitNet_concatenation(ctx: Net_concatenationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_concatenation.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_concatenation.


    the parse tree

  541. abstract def exitNet_concatenation_value(ctx: Net_concatenation_valueContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_concatenation_value.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_concatenation_value.


    the parse tree

  542. abstract def exitNet_decl_assignment(ctx: Net_decl_assignmentContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_decl_assignment.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_decl_assignment.


    the parse tree

  543. abstract def exitNet_declaration(ctx: Net_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_declaration.


    the parse tree

  544. abstract def exitNet_identifier(ctx: Net_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_identifier.


    the parse tree

  545. abstract def exitNet_lvalue(ctx: Net_lvalueContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_lvalue.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_lvalue.


    the parse tree

  546. abstract def exitNet_type(ctx: Net_typeContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_type.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#net_type.


    the parse tree

  547. abstract def exitNonblocking_assignment(ctx: Nonblocking_assignmentContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#nonblocking_assignment.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#nonblocking_assignment.


    the parse tree

  548. abstract def exitNotify_reg(ctx: Notify_regContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#notify_reg.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#notify_reg.


    the parse tree

  549. abstract def exitNumber(ctx: NumberContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#number.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#number.


    the parse tree

  550. abstract def exitOrdered_parameter_assignment(ctx: Ordered_parameter_assignmentContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ordered_parameter_assignment.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ordered_parameter_assignment.


    the parse tree

  551. abstract def exitOrdered_port_connection(ctx: Ordered_port_connectionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ordered_port_connection.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#ordered_port_connection.


    the parse tree

  552. abstract def exitOutput_declaration(ctx: Output_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_declaration.


    the parse tree

  553. abstract def exitOutput_identifier(ctx: Output_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_identifier.


    the parse tree

  554. abstract def exitOutput_port_identifier(ctx: Output_port_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_port_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_port_identifier.


    the parse tree

  555. abstract def exitOutput_terminal(ctx: Output_terminalContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_terminal.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_terminal.


    the parse tree

  556. abstract def exitOutput_variable_type(ctx: Output_variable_typeContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_variable_type.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#output_variable_type.


    the parse tree

  557. abstract def exitPar_block(ctx: Par_blockContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#par_block.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#par_block.


    the parse tree

  558. abstract def exitParallel_edge_sensitive_path_description(ctx: Parallel_edge_sensitive_path_descriptionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parallel_edge_sensitive_path_description.


    the parse tree

  559. abstract def exitParallel_path_description(ctx: Parallel_path_descriptionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parallel_path_description.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parallel_path_description.


    the parse tree

  560. abstract def exitParam_assignment(ctx: Param_assignmentContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#param_assignment.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#param_assignment.


    the parse tree

  561. abstract def exitParameter_declaration(ctx: Parameter_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_declaration.


    the parse tree

  562. abstract def exitParameter_declaration_(ctx: Parameter_declaration_Context): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_declaration_.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_declaration_.


    the parse tree

  563. abstract def exitParameter_identifier(ctx: Parameter_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_identifier.


    the parse tree

  564. abstract def exitParameter_override(ctx: Parameter_overrideContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_override.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_override.


    the parse tree

  565. abstract def exitParameter_value_assignment(ctx: Parameter_value_assignmentContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_value_assignment.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#parameter_value_assignment.


    the parse tree

  566. abstract def exitPass_en_switchtype(ctx: Pass_en_switchtypeContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_en_switchtype.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_en_switchtype.


    the parse tree

  567. abstract def exitPass_enable_switch_instance(ctx: Pass_enable_switch_instanceContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_enable_switch_instance.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_enable_switch_instance.


    the parse tree

  568. abstract def exitPass_switch_instance(ctx: Pass_switch_instanceContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_switch_instance.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_switch_instance.


    the parse tree

  569. abstract def exitPass_switchtype(ctx: Pass_switchtypeContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_switchtype.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pass_switchtype.


    the parse tree

  570. abstract def exitPath_declaration(ctx: Path_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#path_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#path_declaration.


    the parse tree

  571. abstract def exitPath_delay_expression(ctx: Path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  572. abstract def exitPath_delay_value(ctx: Path_delay_valueContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#path_delay_value.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#path_delay_value.


    the parse tree

  573. abstract def exitPcontrol_terminal(ctx: Pcontrol_terminalContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pcontrol_terminal.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pcontrol_terminal.


    the parse tree

  574. abstract def exitPolarity_operator(ctx: Polarity_operatorContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#polarity_operator.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#polarity_operator.


    the parse tree

  575. abstract def exitPort(ctx: PortContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port.


    the parse tree

  576. abstract def exitPort_declaration(ctx: Port_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_declaration.


    the parse tree

  577. abstract def exitPort_expression(ctx: Port_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_expression.


    the parse tree

  578. abstract def exitPort_identifier(ctx: Port_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_identifier.


    the parse tree

  579. abstract def exitPort_reference(ctx: Port_referenceContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_reference.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#port_reference.


    the parse tree

  580. abstract def exitPrimary(ctx: PrimaryContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#primary.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#primary.


    the parse tree

  581. abstract def exitProcedural_continuous_assignments(ctx: Procedural_continuous_assignmentsContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#procedural_continuous_assignments.


    the parse tree

  582. abstract def exitProcedural_timing_control_statement(ctx: Procedural_timing_control_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#procedural_timing_control_statement.


    the parse tree

  583. abstract def exitPull_gate_instance(ctx: Pull_gate_instanceContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pull_gate_instance.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pull_gate_instance.


    the parse tree

  584. abstract def exitPulldown_strength(ctx: Pulldown_strengthContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pulldown_strength.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pulldown_strength.


    the parse tree

  585. abstract def exitPullup_strength(ctx: Pullup_strengthContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pullup_strength.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pullup_strength.


    the parse tree

  586. abstract def exitPulse_control_specparam(ctx: Pulse_control_specparamContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pulse_control_specparam.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pulse_control_specparam.


    the parse tree

  587. abstract def exitPulsestyle_declaration(ctx: Pulsestyle_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pulsestyle_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#pulsestyle_declaration.


    the parse tree

  588. abstract def exitRange_(ctx: Range_Context): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#range_.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#range_.


    the parse tree

  589. abstract def exitRange_expression(ctx: Range_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#range_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#range_expression.


    the parse tree

  590. abstract def exitRange_or_type(ctx: Range_or_typeContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#range_or_type.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#range_or_type.


    the parse tree

  591. abstract def exitReal_declaration(ctx: Real_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#real_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#real_declaration.


    the parse tree

  592. abstract def exitReal_identifier(ctx: Real_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#real_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#real_identifier.


    the parse tree

  593. abstract def exitReal_type(ctx: Real_typeContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#real_type.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#real_type.


    the parse tree

  594. abstract def exitRealtime_declaration(ctx: Realtime_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#realtime_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#realtime_declaration.


    the parse tree

  595. abstract def exitReg_declaration(ctx: Reg_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#reg_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#reg_declaration.


    the parse tree

  596. abstract def exitReject_limit_value(ctx: Reject_limit_valueContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#reject_limit_value.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#reject_limit_value.


    the parse tree

  597. abstract def exitRemain_active_flag(ctx: Remain_active_flagContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#remain_active_flag.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#remain_active_flag.


    the parse tree

  598. abstract def exitSeq_block(ctx: Seq_blockContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#seq_block.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#seq_block.


    the parse tree

  599. abstract def exitShowcancelled_declaration(ctx: Showcancelled_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#showcancelled_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#showcancelled_declaration.


    the parse tree

  600. abstract def exitSimple_arrayed_identifier(ctx: Simple_arrayed_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_arrayed_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_arrayed_identifier.


    the parse tree

  601. abstract def exitSimple_hierarchical_branch(ctx: Simple_hierarchical_branchContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_hierarchical_branch.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_hierarchical_branch.


    the parse tree

  602. abstract def exitSimple_hierarchical_identifier(ctx: Simple_hierarchical_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_hierarchical_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_hierarchical_identifier.


    the parse tree

  603. abstract def exitSimple_path_declaration(ctx: Simple_path_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_path_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#simple_path_declaration.


    the parse tree

  604. abstract def exitSource_text(ctx: Source_textContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#source_text.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#source_text.


    the parse tree

  605. abstract def exitSpecify_block(ctx: Specify_blockContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specify_block.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specify_block.


    the parse tree

  606. abstract def exitSpecify_input_terminal_descriptor(ctx: Specify_input_terminal_descriptorContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specify_input_terminal_descriptor.


    the parse tree

  607. abstract def exitSpecify_item(ctx: Specify_itemContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specify_item.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specify_item.


    the parse tree

  608. abstract def exitSpecify_output_terminal_descriptor(ctx: Specify_output_terminal_descriptorContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specify_output_terminal_descriptor.


    the parse tree

  609. abstract def exitSpecparam_assignment(ctx: Specparam_assignmentContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specparam_assignment.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specparam_assignment.


    the parse tree

  610. abstract def exitSpecparam_declaration(ctx: Specparam_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specparam_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specparam_declaration.


    the parse tree

  611. abstract def exitSpecparam_identifier(ctx: Specparam_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specparam_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#specparam_identifier.


    the parse tree

  612. abstract def exitStamptime_condition(ctx: Stamptime_conditionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#stamptime_condition.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#stamptime_condition.


    the parse tree

  613. abstract def exitStart_edge_offset(ctx: Start_edge_offsetContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#start_edge_offset.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#start_edge_offset.


    the parse tree

  614. abstract def exitState_dependent_path_declaration(ctx: State_dependent_path_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#state_dependent_path_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#state_dependent_path_declaration.


    the parse tree

  615. abstract def exitStatement(ctx: StatementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#statement.


    the parse tree

  616. abstract def exitStatement_or_null(ctx: Statement_or_nullContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#statement_or_null.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#statement_or_null.


    the parse tree

  617. abstract def exitStrength0(ctx: Strength0Context): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#strength0.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#strength0.


    the parse tree

  618. abstract def exitStrength1(ctx: Strength1Context): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#strength1.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#strength1.


    the parse tree

  619. abstract def exitSystem_function_call(ctx: System_function_callContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_function_call.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_function_call.


    the parse tree

  620. abstract def exitSystem_function_identifier(ctx: System_function_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_function_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_function_identifier.


    the parse tree

  621. abstract def exitSystem_task_enable(ctx: System_task_enableContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_task_enable.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_task_enable.


    the parse tree

  622. abstract def exitSystem_task_identifier(ctx: System_task_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_task_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#system_task_identifier.


    the parse tree

  623. abstract def exitT01_path_delay_expression(ctx: T01_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t01_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t01_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  624. abstract def exitT0x_path_delay_expression(ctx: T0x_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t0x_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t0x_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  625. abstract def exitT0z_path_delay_expression(ctx: T0z_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t0z_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t0z_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  626. abstract def exitT10_path_delay_expression(ctx: T10_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t10_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t10_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  627. abstract def exitT1x_path_delay_expression(ctx: T1x_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t1x_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t1x_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  628. abstract def exitT1z_path_delay_expression(ctx: T1z_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t1z_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t1z_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  629. abstract def exitT_path_delay_expression(ctx: T_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#t_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  630. abstract def exitTask_declaration(ctx: Task_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_declaration.


    the parse tree

  631. abstract def exitTask_enable(ctx: Task_enableContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_enable.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_enable.


    the parse tree

  632. abstract def exitTask_identifier(ctx: Task_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_identifier.


    the parse tree

  633. abstract def exitTask_item_declaration(ctx: Task_item_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_item_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_item_declaration.


    the parse tree

  634. abstract def exitTask_port_item(ctx: Task_port_itemContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_port_item.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_port_item.


    the parse tree

  635. abstract def exitTask_port_list(ctx: Task_port_listContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_port_list.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_port_list.


    the parse tree

  636. abstract def exitTask_port_type(ctx: Task_port_typeContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_port_type.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#task_port_type.


    the parse tree

  637. abstract def exitTerm(ctx: TermContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#term.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#term.


    the parse tree

  638. abstract def exitTerminal_identifier(ctx: Terminal_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#terminal_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#terminal_identifier.


    the parse tree

  639. abstract def exitText_macro_identifier(ctx: Text_macro_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#text_macro_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#text_macro_identifier.


    the parse tree

  640. abstract def exitTf_decl_header(ctx: Tf_decl_headerContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tf_decl_header.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tf_decl_header.


    the parse tree

  641. abstract def exitTf_declaration(ctx: Tf_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tf_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tf_declaration.


    the parse tree

  642. abstract def exitTfall_path_delay_expression(ctx: Tfall_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tfall_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tfall_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  643. abstract def exitThreshold(ctx: ThresholdContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#threshold.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#threshold.


    the parse tree

  644. abstract def exitTime_declaration(ctx: Time_declarationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#time_declaration.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#time_declaration.


    the parse tree

  645. abstract def exitTimescale_directive(ctx: Timescale_directiveContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#timescale_directive.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#timescale_directive.


    the parse tree

  646. abstract def exitTiming_check_limit(ctx: Timing_check_limitContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#timing_check_limit.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#timing_check_limit.


    the parse tree

  647. abstract def exitTopmodule_identifier(ctx: Topmodule_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#topmodule_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#topmodule_identifier.


    the parse tree

  648. abstract def exitTrise_path_delay_expression(ctx: Trise_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#trise_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#trise_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  649. abstract def exitTx0_path_delay_expression(ctx: Tx0_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tx0_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tx0_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  650. abstract def exitTx1_path_delay_expression(ctx: Tx1_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tx1_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tx1_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  651. abstract def exitTxz_path_delay_expression(ctx: Txz_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#txz_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#txz_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  652. abstract def exitTz0_path_delay_expression(ctx: Tz0_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tz0_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tz0_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  653. abstract def exitTz1_path_delay_expression(ctx: Tz1_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tz1_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tz1_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  654. abstract def exitTz_path_delay_expression(ctx: Tz_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tz_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tz_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  655. abstract def exitTzx_path_delay_expression(ctx: Tzx_path_delay_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tzx_path_delay_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#tzx_path_delay_expression.


    the parse tree

  656. abstract def exitUdp_identifier(ctx: Udp_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#udp_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#udp_identifier.


    the parse tree

  657. abstract def exitUdp_instance_identifier(ctx: Udp_instance_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#udp_instance_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#udp_instance_identifier.


    the parse tree

  658. abstract def exitUnary_module_path_operator(ctx: Unary_module_path_operatorContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#unary_module_path_operator.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#unary_module_path_operator.


    the parse tree

  659. abstract def exitUnary_operator(ctx: Unary_operatorContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#unary_operator.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#unary_operator.


    the parse tree

  660. abstract def exitUndef_directive(ctx: Undef_directiveContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#undef_directive.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#undef_directive.


    the parse tree

  661. abstract def exitUse_clause(ctx: Use_clauseContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#use_clause.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#use_clause.


    the parse tree

  662. abstract def exitUsing_defined_flag(ctx: Using_defined_flagContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#using_defined_flag.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#using_defined_flag.


    the parse tree

  663. abstract def exitVariable_assignment(ctx: Variable_assignmentContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_assignment.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_assignment.


    the parse tree

  664. abstract def exitVariable_concatenation(ctx: Variable_concatenationContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_concatenation.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_concatenation.


    the parse tree

  665. abstract def exitVariable_concatenation_value(ctx: Variable_concatenation_valueContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_concatenation_value.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_concatenation_value.


    the parse tree

  666. abstract def exitVariable_identifier(ctx: Variable_identifierContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_identifier.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_identifier.


    the parse tree

  667. abstract def exitVariable_lvalue(ctx: Variable_lvalueContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_lvalue.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_lvalue.


    the parse tree

  668. abstract def exitVariable_type(ctx: Variable_typeContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_type.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#variable_type.


    the parse tree

  669. abstract def exitWait_statement(ctx: Wait_statementContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#wait_statement.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#wait_statement.


    the parse tree

  670. abstract def exitWidth_constant_expression(ctx: Width_constant_expressionContext): Unit

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#width_constant_expression.

    Exit a parse tree produced by VerilogParser#width_constant_expression.


    the parse tree

  671. abstract def visitErrorNode(arg0: ErrorNode): Unit
    Definition Classes
  672. abstract def visitTerminal(arg0: TerminalNode): Unit
    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  6. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  7. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  8. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  9. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  10. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  11. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  12. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  13. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  14. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  15. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  16. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  17. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  18. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated

    (Since version 9)

Inherited from ParseTreeListener

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
