Build Scaleda

Scaleda uses Sbt to build, so you need to install Sbt or build using IDEA.

When Sbt is running, it will automatically download dependencies and IntelliJ IDEA used in development, so approximately 5GiB of disk space needs to be reserved.

Generate IDEA plug-in

sbt 'packageArtifactZip; packageArtifactZip'

Since patchPluginXml can cause problems, it’s best to run it twice in succession.

The generated plugin is located in target/ The version number is read from the .version file and populated into plugin.xml. Plug-in description information and update information are read from docs/plugin-description.html and docs/changelog.html.

Build CLI tool

sbt 'kernel / assembly'

The generated CLI tool is located in scaleda-kernel/target/scala-2.13/scaleda-kernel.jar.

clean up

The default module and kernel module need to be cleaned separately.

sbt 'clean; kernel / clean'

Run the plug-in in IDEA

sbt 'runIDE'

The build process in GitHub Actions will automatically run the above build command, and the product will be packaged and uploaded to Actions or Release. If you need to build manually, you can refer to CI: .github/workflows/*.yml.